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Monday, December 9, 2019
Human Resource Management Communication Process
Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management for Communication Process. Answer: Introduction Performance management is a continuous process in which there is a communication between the supervisor and an employee. This is done in order to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization. The communication process includes clarifying expectations of the organization, setting and identifying goals and objectives, providing feedback and reviewing results. The report contains discussion and review of performance management of ONGC. Oil and Natural gas Corporation is oil an Indian multinational oil and gas company. The company has its headquarters in Dehradun. Discussion and Analysis ONGC currently uses self-evaluation method in order to access staff performance. The self-evaluation method is very much effective when the method is teamed up with the review of the employees performance. In the staff performance method, the employees are asked to measure their own performance by using a form that requires answers such as multiple choice, essay type or combination of both. Acoording to Chaurasia et al., (2016),one of the main benefits of the method is that a manager can compare the self- evaluation with his own appraisal. It helps in knowing the areas where there is problem in understanding the performance of the employee. It helps in open conversation between the employee and the manager, which is helpful for ONGC(Singh Kumar, 2016). ONGC uses some techniques in order to deal with performance difficulties. Some of the methods used by ONGC are: 1. Improving motivation: some of the problems in ONGC occur due to low motivation. ONGC creates a motivating environment for its members in order to deal with performance difficulties in the organization (Gautam, 2014) 2. Performance goals: ONGC solves performance difficulties by setting goal for the organization. The employees are made to under what the organization expects from them and what the employees had to do in order to improve. ONGC provide some training sessions for the employees so that they can be able to co-operate with the organization and understands the goal and objectives of the organization (Singh, 2013). 3. Performance Feedback: for better results, ONGC followed performance feedback method. In this method, the organization provides quick feedback to its employees for their effort. The organization followed methods in which they acknowledge success of the organization by giving rewards and promotion to its employees (Khosla, 2013). 4. Creating a performance improvement plan: ONGC implemented an improvement plan in order to deal with the performance difficulty of the organization No, ONGC does not provide training process and career development program properly. Therefore, it is the need of the organization to provide proper training facilities to its employees. Career development program is also needed because ONGC is experiencing negative changes such as downsizing, restructuring etc. The organization needs improvement in productivity and as a result, ONGC prefer to promote their employees instead of hiring new employees. For this, the employees need proper training. The career development process is not only important for the employees but also for ONGC. There can be undesirable changes in the future for which both the employees and the organization need to get ready with the changing environment. To act according to the situation the employees always need to upgrade their skills and knowledge. Therefore it is very much necessary for ONGC to promote career development program, as the current approach of the organization is not much effective. ONGC suffers from poor performance management practice because of misconduct. It occurs because employees are indiscipline, willful refusal subject to progressive discipline, termination cause. These problems are very much vital. Therefore it should be prevented or improved by ONGC as soon as possible (Rabindra et al.,2014) The methods those are required for improvement includes: Proper communication between higher authority of the organization and employees Training must be provided to the employees so that they can maintain discipline inside ONGC. Notice period must be served by the organization before terminating employees from the organization. Motivation and setting of proper goal Conclusion It is concluded that ONGCs follows some unique technique in order to deal with performance difficulty of the organization. However some of its approach is not effective. Therefore, career development program method must be promoted by the organization in order to improve the skills and knowledge of the employers that will be helpful for future development of the organization. Remuneration Management Introduction Infosys is selected as the company for the report. It is a multinational company that provides business consulting, technology related information and outsourcing. It has its headquarters in Bengaluru. The remuneration provided of Infosys uses Time Rate Method for providing rewards and compensation to its employees. Discussion ad Analysis Employee remuneration refers to the rewards or compensation that is provided to the workers for work performance. Infosys uses Time Rate Method. Under time rate method, remuneration is dependent on the time spent by an employee an organization. Infosys pays a fixed amount of money to its employees on a yearly basis. This method led to minimum wastage of resources time rate method is helpful for Infosys as quality output is provided by the employers. It is also useful for the new employers because they can learn the work without having reduction in their salaries (Yan Dooley, 2014). Infosys provides rewards or compensation to those employees who are linked with the performance of the organization. The method is not effective always because it does not always motivate new employees. The employees who are working in organization for few days should also need rewards by Infosys in order to motivate them. According to Conyon, Peck, (1998),makes the employees to work with all their effort. For example if employees have some extra skills they Infosys must provide some compensation to them in order to motivate them. Infosys provides rewards on the basis of performance of the employees therefore the method is not much effective. It should be improved in order to motivate employees and help them in achieving the goal of Infosys (Doddavula Kaushik, 2016) There are many benefits, that Infosys got by using time rate method and reward process. The benefits are: Quality of production Fixed wages Improved equality among organization The quality of product that that is produced by Infosys is completely product management product. The development cost of the products of Infosys is is very low. The employees give their effort in producing product that is of high quality. In return, the organization provides compensation and rewards to its employees (Bracer et al., 2016) The organizations compensation and reward approach can be further improved by implementing some strategies.one of the most important strategy that the organization can uses is industry educational support. In a progressive workplace like of Infosys, the employees who are ready to become lifelong learner, became the top performers. Providing employees tools and resources for achieving certificates and degreeswould help Infosys in elevating the quality of product. The improvement I the quality of product would be a great achieve for Infosys in capturing the current software market as well as in achieving the goals and objectives of the organization (Mowery, et al., 2015) Conclusion It is concluded that Infosys uses Time Rate Method for is remuneration process which has some advantage. The reward or compensation of the organization can further be improved by using industry educational support to its employees. The industry educational support is important for the employees as it helps the employees in achieving certificate and degrees. The organization can also achieve success as the quality of product produced would get improved. Health and Safety Introduction In this report, Fletcher Building ltd is selected as the organization. The health safety measures of the organization have been discussed. Fletcher Building ltd is one of the largest listed organizations in New Zealand. Fletcher Building ltd is under the obligation to manage the risk in compliance with the regulations of the article where a health and safety of a worker who performs their activities related to work in isolated or remote area. Discussion and Analysis Health and safety: The health and safety at workplace was enacted to keep the workforce aware of the responsibilities regarding the safety at work place. The law is enacted to be a part of the reformation in order to reduce the number of the work place related issues. The health and safety measures in New Zealand are concerned with identifying and managing the risk and to consult and coordinate with the responsibilities regarding the management and safety of the act. The purpose of this act is to protect the workers and other people by eliminating or reducing the risk. It also aims to promote and improve the health and safety by ensuring safety at workplace. Managing health and safety risk associated in Fletcher building ltd: Fletcher Building ltd is under the obligation to manage the risk in compliance with the regulations of the article where a health and safety of a worker who performs their activities related to work in isolated or remote area. In order to minimize such risk Fletcher building ltd tries to minimize related to both health and safety of a workers who are associated with the remote and or isolated work which Fletcher and builder must provide through the help of systematic work which includes with the help of effective communication process with the worker. It is the duty of the Fletcher to manage workplace related health monitoring regulations which must give the information about the person who is likely execute the work which involves the health and hazard related activities. On the other hand, it must also inform the worker regarding such hazard before a worker starts commencing its work, which consists of work related to hazard. The information, which the organization needs to carry out to its workers, are as follows: Fletcher building ltd has the duty to carry out all the duties related to health and safety to its workers Fletcher building ltd should also enumerate the health hazard monitoring process in relation to the requirements of the health hazard. Fletcher builder should also understand the nature of the health monitoring and how it will be executed Fletcher and builder ltd is under the obligation to monitor and obtain the health monitoring report from the practitioner of health and safety and understand the content of the report. Responsibilities to ensure that appropriate monitoring of health is provided: Fletcher builder must ensure that health and monitoring of workers must consists of A type of recommendations which the practitioner of organization must provide regarding the monitoring of the health and safety measures of the worker. The organization must also issue or refer the sort of safe working environment which is beneficial for the workers. It is the duty of the Fletcher and builder to monitor and prepare a report for the workers and the management of the organization to ensure that such report is also presented to the workers Suggestions to improve the health and safety measures in Fletcher builder ltd: Fletcher builder must have the policies and procedures which should be updated and well documented regarding the health and hazard measures. It must on regular basis ensure that officers must communicate precisely regarding the effective workplace safety to every individual in workplace. Fletcher and builder must ensure that they are noting down the hazards, which they have come across in the workplace, and then they must take up the steps that those hazards are either eliminated or reduced by implementing effective controlling measures. Ensuring to document and report any such incidents which is related to work place accidents and incidents by investigating them and putting things in place and implying preventive measures wherever possible. Conclusion It is concluded that Fletcher building ltd manage workplace related health monitoring regulations. Fletcher building ltd tries to minimize related to both health and safety of a workers who are associated with the remote and or isolated work, which Fletcher and builder must provide through the help of systematic work, which includes with the help of effective communication process with the worker. References Bracer, C., Scherr, S., Molnar, A., Sekher, M., Ochieng, B. O., Sriskanthan, G. (2016).Organization and governance for fostering pro-poor compensation for environmental services. Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre. https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/handle/10919/68392 Chaurasia, B., Garg, D., Agarwal, A. (2016). 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